DEPRECATED: Manage Lenovo Vantage for Enterprise with Intune

A previous post on Configuring Vantage with Intune walked through deploying a PowerShell script to customize specific features in the Vantage interface.

This post will build off Managing System Update with Intune and focus on ingesting the Vantage ADMX file and creating custom OMA-URI policies.  This solution is to provide a modern approach to what's currently offered in the application and deployment guide for Vantage found here.

Contained in the zip is a .reg file that will disable consumer features in the Vantage interface that aren't exactly necessary for Enterprise devices.  A snippet from the .reg file below.

;This reg file is generated by disabling the following policy settings in Administrative Templates -> Lenovo Vantage
;1.  Lenovo ID WelcomPage
;2.  Preferences
;3.  Messaging Preferences
;4.  Device Refresh
;5.  Welcome Page
;6.  Location Tracking
;7.  Anonymous Usage Statistics (Entire Feature)
;8.  Anonymous Usage Statistics (Allow User Configuration)
;9.  Anonymous Usage Statistics (User Default Preference)
;10. Store Rating and Feedback Popup
;11. WiFi Security
;12. User Feedback
;13. Tweet Us
;14. Need Help
;15. Lenovo ID
;16. Apps & Offers - disable every setting in this category
;17. Lenovo Voice Commands - disable everything in this category
;18. Messaging Preferences - disable everything in this category
;19. Security Advisor - disable everything in this category
;20. Self Select - disable everything in this category
;21. SSRecs - disable everything in this category
;22. System Health and Support - disable User Guide, Knowledge Base, Warranty & Services, Optimize, Tips & Tricks, and Discussion Forum
;23. Auto Launch - disable everything in this category
;24. My Account
;25. Vantage Tutorial

;After disabling these things, the features that remain in Vantage are Hardware Settings, Hardware Scan, and System Update

Before Vantage can be of any use, the Lenovo System Interface Foundation driver needs to be installed as it provides the required communication between this application and the computer hardware.  This is an .exe and the latest version can always be downloaded from here.

Create and Upload the System Interface Foundation Win32 App
You'll need to use the Win32 Content Prep Tool to convert the app into the .intunewin format.

Once finished, a SystemInterfaceFoundation.intunewin file will be created in the output directory.

Log in to the Device Management portal and navigate to Apps > Windows > Add and choose Windows app (Win32) for the appl type.

The first step in the wizard is to upload the .intunewin file and fill out required and/or optional information about the app.

Enter the Install/Uninstall commands in Step 2

SystemInterfaceFoundation.exe /verysilent /NORESTART /type=installpackageswithreboot

%SYSTEMROOT%\Sysnative\ImController.InfInstaller.exe -uninstall

Set the requirements in Step 3

For Detection rules, the recommended way to determine if LSIF is installed is to query for the ImController service.  Here's a short PowerShell detection script that can be used

$lsif = "ImControllerService"

If (Get-Service -Name $lsif -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
    Write-Host "Installed"

Continue through the Add app wizard and deploy to a group containing Think products.  If you have a fleet of ThinkPad P1's, a Dynamic Membership Rule for this group would be
(device.deviceModel -startsWith "20MD") -or (device.deviceModel -startsWith "20ME")

Ingest the Vantage ADMX file
Just like System Update, you'll need to ingest the ADMX file provided in the .zip, located under LenovoVantage_20.1908.3.0\Group Policy Settings.

Back in the portal, navigate to Devices > Windows > Configuration Profiles > Create Profile

Choose the platform Windows 10 and later and select the Custom profile

Set the following fields:
Name - Unique name such as Lenovo Vantage ADMX Ingest
Custom OMA-URI: Constructed as stated in the docs.

./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/ConfigOperations/ADMXInstall/{AppName}/{SettingType}/{FileUid or AdmxFileName}

Replace the following variables with something unique, such as:
  • {AppName}: LenovoVantage
  • {SettingType}: Policy
  • {AdmxFileName}: LenovoCompanion
Data Type: String
Value: Copy the contents from the LenovoCompanion.admx file here

Click OK to create the ADMX Ingest policy and assign it to a group.

Configure Vantage Settings
You can either add additional OMA-URI Settings to the ADMX Ingest policy above or create a separate policy with these settings.

In my testing, I've created a separate policy for these.  The OMA-URI Setting needs to be formatted like this (Reference)


With this, an example to replace the variables with data from the Vantage ADMX

{AppName}: LenovoVantage (Matched with what was configured during the ingestion)
{SettingType}: Policy (Match with what was configured during the ingestion)
{CategoryPathFromADMX}: This is obtained by traversing the parentCategory parameter
{SettingfromADMX}: This is the policy name (GUID).
<policy name="9800b440-7EDf-4DF4-8F04-E2A88B5F856F" class="Both" displayName="$(string.9800b440-7EDf-4DF4-8F04-E2A88B5F856F)" explainText="$(string.9800b440-7EDf-4DF4-8F04-E2A88B5F856FExp)" key="Software\Policies\Lenovo\E046963F.LenovoCompanion_k1h2ywk1493x8" valueName="9800b440-7EDf-4DF4-8F04-E2A88B5F856F">
      <parentCategory ref="CAT_BEA4CF23_6B19_4DC7_9F10_2DDE18EA21B5" />
      <supportedOn ref="SUPPORTED_OS" />
        <decimal value="1" />
        <decimal value="0" />

The Vantage settings in the ADMX file can be quite confusing since they're all identified as GUIDs.

If you open the LenovoCompanion.adml and do a find for 9800b440-7EDf-4DF4-8F04-E2A88B5F856F, you'll see it translates to Tweet Us.

<string id="CAT_CBB42131_9FE0_464F_A487_54E343AD1ABF">SmartSettings</string>
      <string id="CAT_759E6127_5792_4092_8C44_4FD3F3082BBC">Input</string>
      <string id="CAT_695B871E_CE26_4712_8803_780EFA2EF587">HubPage</string>
 <string id="66F78DA8-2C3F-4651-B958-BA5457F38745">HardwareSettings</string>
 <string id="B6B55642-B0C4-44E0-BF18-719B100CF1FD">Need Help</string>
      <string id="9800b440-7EDf-4DF4-8F04-E2A88B5F856F">Tweet Us</string>
      <!-- HubPage -->
      <string id="F1B673AD-A28D-4AEF-A884-A54DB59515D8">NaviButtonList</string>
      <string id="10DF05AE-BA16-4808-A436-A40A925F6EF6">RecommendSettings</string>
      <!-- Power -->

Now we can add these settings in Intune.  The end result is to hide these features from the Vantage interface so each setting you add, the value will need to be <disabled/>

Here's a before and after of the Vantage homepage after the system receives the policies

Below are all of the settings taken from the LenovoVantage_disable_consumer_features.reg file, converted to Custom OMA-URI Settings which can be copied into Intune to deploy.

Lenovo ID Welcome Page


Messaging Preferences

Device Refresh

Welcome Page

Location Tracking

Anonymous Usage Statistics (Allow User Configuration)

Anonymous Usage Statistics (Entire Feature)

Anonymous Usage Statistics (User Default Preference)

Store Rating and Feedback Popup

WiFi Security

User Feedback

Tweet Us

Need Help

Lenovo ID

Apps & Offers (Disables every setting in this category)

Lenovo Voice Commands (Disables every setting in this category)

Messaging Preferences (Disables every setting in this category)

Security Advisor (Disables every setting in this category)

Enable/Disable Self Select

SSRecs (Disables every setting in this category)

Tips & Tricks

User Guide

Discussion Forum

Knowledge Base

Warranty & Services

Auto Launch (Disables every setting in this category)

My Account

Vantage Tutorial