
Showing posts from June, 2019

Deploying ThinInstaller With A Custom Repository Path Using Intune

This walk-through is a follow up to Hosting an Update Retriever Repository in an Azure Blob . In this post, we're going to: Deploy the latest version of Thin Installer as a Win32 App Set custom Repository and Log paths in the Configuration File Define a sample Scheduled Task to launch Thin Installer and check for updates What you'll need: Current version of Thin Installer - Link Win32 Content Prep Tool - Link PowerShell Sample Script below Make sure to replace the repoPath variable with your Blob Storage path. $pkg = "lenovothininstaller1.3.0007-2019-04-25.exe" $installSwitch = "/VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART" # Install ThinInstaller Start-Process ".\$pkg" -ArgumentList $installSwitch -Wait # Identify Configuration File and Repository/Log Paths $configFile = [xml] ( Get-Content "${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Lenovo\ThinInstaller\ThinInstaller.exe.configuration" ) $repoPath = "https://yo

What are Reboot Delayed updates?

Introducing Reboot Delayed (type 5) Updates You may have noticed updates with a new reboot type in your search results with the latest version of Update Retriever. Reboot Delayed updates are typically either BIOS or component firmware updates.  In the past most of these updates were implemented as "Forces a reboot" (type 1) or "Power off" (type 4) updates because the updates themselves would either force a shutdown or reboot. In an attempt to reduce the number of reboots required to keep systems up to date and to also work well with other update solutions, such as Windows Update, we have been redesigning these firmware updates to allow multiple firmware to be updated in one session.  The tool used to deliver the update, such as System Update or Thin Installer, will enforce a reboot once all updates have been applied.  With firmware updates it simply isn't safe to postpone the reboot; therefore, the -noreboot command line parameter will not have an ef