
Showing posts from January, 2018

DEPRECATED: Configuring Lenovo Vantage with an MDM

by Phil Jorgensen Overview Lenovo Vantage contains some features which may not be appropriate for enterprise users. Please read this section carefully to understand these features and consider whether they should be disabled in your specific environment. Lenovo Software and Driver Updates – One of the features of Lenovo Vantage, called System Update, will automatically install updates for Lenovo software and drivers. Some IT organizations will want to disable this. Ads, messaging, and metrics data collection – Lenovo Vantage tells users about special offers from Lenovo through in-app and toast messages. Lenovo Vantage also collects metrics/telemetry data about how users interact with the application. These things can be disabled. This guide will demonstrate how to control parts of the Lenovo Vantage User Interface that is displayed to the user and how to deploy the configuration with MobileIron Cloud with Bridge or Microsoft Intune. Deployment from MobileIron